Publications by the Hungarian Presidency
Farewell Letter of the Hungarian EUPAN Presidency
Report of the Hungarian EUPAN Presidency
Welcome letter of the Hungarian EUPAN Presidency
Results of the evalutation of the EUPAN Strategy Paper 2022-2025
eNews on Examples of recently launched digital public service innovations
Research Report about the study on Genarations in Public Administration
Study on Green Public Administration Goals and Principles
Introduction of the Hungarian public administration
Publications by the Belgian Presidency
Publications by the Spanish Presidency
Director General Meeting EUPAN
On 27 and 28 November, the EUPAN Directors General meeting will be held at IFEMA, Madrid, with the participation of the European Commission, EIPA and delegates from its 27 Member States and 7 Observer States.
The Spanish Presidency of EUPAN is carried out jointly by the Directorates-General for the Civil Service and Public Governance, within the Secretariat of State for the Civil Service.
In the links below you will find the updated agenda of the meeting and the evaluation questionnaire after the DG meeting:
EUPAN ENEWS – Second Semester 2023 (Spanish Presidency)
“Fostering mobility of public employees in international projects for technical cooperation between public administrations”
Final reports of the Spanish Presidency
Final report: Innovative Practices in Inclusive Digital Public Services
Final report: Spanish presidency of EUPAN
End of the Swedish presidency
On June 30, the Swedish presidency of the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) came to an end.
Read the Farewell letter.
Take part of the Summary report of the Swedish Presidency of the EUPAN.
Publications by the Swedish Presidency
The first issue of the EUPAN eNews about threats and violence against civil servants. Take part of the issue here.
The second issue of the EUPAN eNews about Workforce composition, statistical. Take part of the issue here.
The Swedish Presidency’s study on good administration in European countries. Read the report here.
EUPAN WL meeting, Stockholm 27 and 28 March
As part of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Swedish Agency for Public Administration and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers brought together the working group of the European Public Administration network (EUPAN). The meeting took place in Stockholm on 27 and 28 March.
The meeting focused on some of the previously announced priorities for the Swedish EUPAN Presidency:
- Good administration in European countries: The Swedish Agency for Public Administration presented its study that was conducted within the EUPAN. On this topic, representatives from the academia participated and workshops were held on principles of good administration in a national context and tools to promote a good administration in public administrations.
- Threats, harassments and violence against civil servants in public administration was addressed in a EUPAN questionnaire and discussions were continued in smaller groups.
- Additional workshops focused on rule of law in digitalisation and artificial Intelligence and service and accessibility at the Swedish National Government Service Centre.
See the full agenda here.
Read the report: Good Administration in European countries
The Swedish EUPAN Presidency 2023
We are pleased to welcome you to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is the third time we assume this responsibility.
First, we would like to thank our Czech colleagues. We appreciate the hard work you have done, to the benefit of EUPAN and its members. We are also grateful for the good cooperation we have had within the secretariat, which we hope to build on during our presidency.
In the spring of 2023, we will focus on four main themes:
- Threats and violence against public servants
- A good administrative culture
- Work against corruption
- Governance of cross-sectoral issues.
We will address the themes in several ways, including a dedicated study, invited speakers and parallel workshops. As the strength of EUPAN lies in its role to facilitate exchange of practices, experiences and views in areas of common interest, we invite you to consider if there are experiences you would be willing to share on one or several of the themes. It is our strong conviction that the EUPAN is at its best when there are interactive discussions. We will therefore strive to organize meetings where we encourage sharing of experiences.
The Swedish presidency of EUPAN is jointly organized by the Swedish Agency for Public Management and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers. Two e-mail addresses will thus be used during the presidency: and
Do not hesitate to contact any of us for additional information or queries.
We look forward to welcoming you to Sweden and to continue our fruitful cooperation in EUPAN.
Welcome to the Czech Presidency
On 1 July 2022 the Czech Republic takes over its historically second Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is our great pleasure and privilege to take on this role and guide work of the EUPAN network for the following six months.
The Czech Presidency wish to build on achievements of previous presidencies and invite you for a discussion and sharing of ideas on the following priority themes of Czech Presidency: 1) transparent and professional civil service (relation of top public managers to political leadership), 2) development of ethical culture and values in civil service, 3) support of innovation using Big Data. We would also like to carry out follow up activities on the international exchange programme for civil servants. Our work will be guided by two important documents adopted during the French presidency, namely the EUPAN Strategy Paper for a period July 2022 – June 2025 and the Strasbourg Declaration on the Common values and challenges of European Public Administrations approved by the ministerial conference in Strasbourg in March 2022.
The Czech Presidency is looking forward to welcoming you in Prague in Autumn and to continue our fruitful cooperation in the EUPAN network.
Czech Presidency 2023
Recently published: Final report from the Czech Presidency of EUPAN
Fin de la présidence française d’EUPAN – Ending of the French Presidency
Le 30 juin s’achève la présidence française du réseau européen des administrations publiques EUPAN.
Parmi les travaux conduits par EUPAN dans le cadre de la présidence française :
- L’élaboration d’une nouvelle stratégie triennale, qui sera mise en œuvre sur la période juillet 2022 – juin 2025, et l’actualisation du guide de procédure d’EUPAN (handbook) ; la stratégie décline opérationnellement, pour le champ de compétence d’EUPAN, la déclaration de Strasbourg des ministres européens en charge de la transformation et de la fonction publiques sur les valeurs et défis communs aux administrations publiques européennes ;
- La poursuite des travaux d’EUPAN pour le développement de la mobilité européenne des fonctionnaires, notamment par la préparation de projets pilotes d’échange, la réalisation d’une étude sur son intégration dans les politiques de ressources humaines, l’organisation d’une université d’été réunissant des experts européens du sujet et l’adoption par le réseau EUPAN d’une feuille de route dédiée à ce sujet ;
- Une réflexion sur le déploiement des nouvelles organisations du travail au sein des administrations publiques, au travers d’une étude et d’ateliers thématiques qui ont notamment permis d’approfondir les enjeux liés au télétravail et à la mise en œuvre du droit à la déconnexion ; ils s’articulent avec l’élaboration d’un accord européen sur la transformation numérique des administrations publiques, dans le cadre du dialogue social européen, et avec la mise en œuvre du socle européen des droits sociaux ;
- La publication de deux lettres d’informations du réseau EUPAN, dédiées aux politiques de transformation des administrations publiques et au verdissement.
Découvrez bilan complet des actions conduites, la déclaration de Strasbourg en français, en anglais, et en allemand, la nouvelle stratégie et le Handbook d’EUPAN.
On June 30, the French presidency of the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) came to an end.
Among the work carried out by EUPAN under the French Presidency:
– The development of a new three-year strategy, which will be implemented over the period July 2022 – June 2025, and the updating of the EUPAN handbook; the strategy operationally declines, for the field of competence of EUPAN, the Strasbourg declaration of the European ministers in charge of public transformation and public service on the values and challenges common to European public administrations;
– The continuation of EUPAN’s work on the development of European mobility of civil servants, notably through the preparation of pilot exchange projects, the realization of a study on its integration in human resources policies, the organization of a summer school bringing together European experts on the subject and the adoption by EUPAN of a roadmap dedicated to this subject;
– A reflection on the deployment of new ways of working within public administrations, through a study and thematic workshops that have notably allowed to deepen the issues related to telework and to the implementation of the right to disconnect; they are linked to the elaboration of a European agreement on the digital transformation of public administrations, in the framework of the European social dialogue, and to the implementation of the European Pilar of social rights;
– The publication of two EUPAN enews, dedicated to the transformation policies of public administrations and to greening.
la déclaration de Strasbourg en français, en anglais, et en allemand, la nouvelle stratégie et le Handbook d’EUPAN.
Discover the full review of actions, the Strasbourg declaration in french, in english, and in german, and the EUPAN Handbook.
Fin de la présidence française d’EUPAN – Ending of the French PresidencyRead More
Présidence française 2022 – French presidency 2022
Déclaration de Strasbourg sur les valeurs et défis communs aux administrations publiques européennes
Strasbourg Declaration on the Common values and challenges of European Public Administrations
EUPAN eNews – issue 6 – France
EUPAN eNews, issue 7, June 2022 – France
Présentation de la fonction publique française
Presentation of the French civil service
Synthèse – enquête EUPAN 2022 – Nouvelles organisations du travail
Summary – EUPAN survey 2022- New ways of working
Synthèse – enquête EUPAN 2022 – Mobilités
Summary – EUPAN survey 2022- Mobility
Bilan des actions de la présidence – Full review of actions of the French presidency
Bienvenue dans la présidence française d’EUPAN
(English version below)
Du 1er janvier 2022 au 30 juin 2022, la France exerce la présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne, et donc du réseau européen des administrations publiques (EUPAN).
La présidence française d’EUPAN s’inscrit dans la continuité des travaux conduits sous présidence slovène et de la stratégie 2019-2022 d’EUPAN. Quatre sujets seront prioritairement abordés : les mobilités des agents publics, la transformation publique, la consolidation d’un socle européen de la fonction publique et la résilience des administrations publiques. Les travaux s’appuieront notamment sur deux études consacrées à la mobilité européenne des agents publics, et aux nouvelles organisations du travail et flexibilités organisationnelles.
La présidence française sera aussi l’occasion de réfléchir au futur d’EUPAN, par la préparation d’une nouvelle stratégie 2022-2025. Ce travail permettra aux membres du réseau de réfléchir à l’avenir des administrations publiques et de consolider la vision prospective sur les politiques de ressources humaines. La présidence française encouragera aussi le dialogue et la coordination entre les différentes instances traitant des questions d’administration publique, afin de nourrir les discussions et de tirer le meilleur des éclairages complémentaires apportés par ces réseaux.
Pour en savoir plus, nous vous invitons à consulter la vidéo de présentation de la présidence d’EUPAN par Nathalie Colin, Directrice générale de l’Administration et de la Fonction publique.
Sous réserve de la situation sanitaire, les réunions plénières du réseau seront organisées en présentiel à Paris ou à Strasbourg.
Calendrier des réunions :
- 10 janvier : Pitch govtech (concours de solutions numériques pour les administrations) (Paris)
- 17 janvier : réunion du secrétariat d’EUPAN (groupe de travail) (vidéo-conférence)
- 16 et 17 mars : dîner informel et conférence des ministres européens en charge de la transformation et la fonction publiques (Strasbourg, institut national du service public)
- 4 et 5 avril : groupe de travail EUPAN (Paris)
- Du 9 au 13 mai : université d’été du réseau EUPAN sur la mobilité européenne des agents publics (Strasbourg, institut national du service public)
- 19 et 20 mai : réunion DISPA (Paris, Institut national du service public)
- 24 mai : réunion du secrétariat d’EUPAN (DG) (vidéo-conférence)
- 15 et 16 juin : réunion des DG d’EUPAN (Paris)
- 17 juin : réunion du comité sectoriel de dialogue social pour les administrations d’Etat et fédérales (Paris)
Enfin, vous trouverez toutes les informations générales relatives à la présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne sur le site officiel.
L’équipe d’EUPAN France se tient à votre disposition pour toute question ou demande de renseignement à l’adresse :
L’équipe EUPAN France
Slovenian Presidency 2021
Report of the Slovenian Presidency of the EUPAN network
Results of the Evaluation of the EUPAN Strategy Paper, July 2019 – June 2022
EUPAN Handbook, December, 2021_updated with EUPAN eNews information
Proposal to establish EUPAN eNews as a regular EUPAN activity
EUPAN eNews – issue 5 – Slovenia
EUPAN eNews – issue 4 – Slovenia
Ageing and Talent Management in European Public Administrations
Impact of CAF on HRM and People
Schedule for our events and meetings
EUPAN Slovenian welcome letter
Portuguese Central Public Administration Overview
In order to make known the Portuguese central public administration, albeit in broad strokes, the EUPAN Presidency has prepared an online publication – Portuguese Central Public Administration Overview.
Portuguese Presidency 2021
Public Employee Motivation in EU Central and Federal Public Administrations, 2021
EUPAN Portuguese Presidency Report: January – June 2021
CAF challenges to promote public sector capacity
Public Sector Leadership during COVID-19 Crisis: paper
Employee Surveys Brief
EUPAN eNews, Issue 3, June 2021
EUPAN eNews Statistical Issue, Issue 2, May 2021 (PDF file)
EUPAN eNews Statistical Issue, Issue 2, May 2021
EUPAN eNEWS, Issue 1, March 2021
German Presidency 2020
EUPAN German Presidency Report 01 July – 31 December 2020
Public Administration in Germany
Editors: Kuhlmann, S., Proeller, I., Dieter Schimanke, D., Ziekow, J. (Eds.)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
Open Access
The ebook is not yet available online.
Pre-order Hardcover
Video on YouTube or in this post.
Croatian Presidency 2020
Finnish Presidency 2019
Presidency Report of the Finnish EUPAN Presidency, July-December 2019
EUPAN Presidency Report Finland, pdf
Summary EUPAN DG Meeting in Helsinki, 28-29 November 2019
Summary EUPAN DG Meeting, November 2019, pfd
Memorandum of Understanding between EUPAN and EGPA
The MoU between EUPAN and EGPA, pdf was signed at the EUPAN DG Meeting in Helsinki.