The first issue of EUPAN eNews under the Slovenian presidency which is also the fourth issue of EUPAN eNews altogether is now available. You can access it here: Slovenian EUPAN eNews.
Slovenian Presidency 2021
Report of the Slovenian Presidency of the EUPAN network
Results of the Evaluation of the EUPAN Strategy Paper, July 2019 – June 2022
EUPAN Handbook, December, 2021_updated with EUPAN eNews information
Proposal to establish EUPAN eNews as a regular EUPAN activity
EUPAN eNews – issue 5 – Slovenia
EUPAN eNews – issue 4 – Slovenia
Ageing and Talent Management in European Public Administrations
Impact of CAF on HRM and People
Schedule for our events and meetings
EUPAN Slovenian welcome letter
The Slovenian EUPAN Presidency 2021
From July 1 to December 31 2021, Slovenia is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second time.
During our Presidency, we will be addressing the impacts and consequences of demographic changes. The underlying topic of our EUPAN activities in the area of public administration human resources will be the ageing workforce and talent management
We will address approaches for a gradual transition of older workers from employment to retirement while ensuring a successful transfer of knowledge to younger generations. Our focus will also be on introducing solutions on how to attract potential employees and ways to identify, retain and manage talents. For this purpose, we are conducting a study that will present trends, promising practices and recommendations for effective ageing and talent management in the public administrations across EUPAN member states.
For more information, you can contact the Slovenian EUPAN team at:
General information about the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union is available on the official website