We are pleased to welcome you to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is the third time we assume this responsibility.
First, we would like to thank our Czech colleagues. We appreciate the hard work you have done, to the benefit of EUPAN and its members. We are also grateful for the good cooperation we have had within the secretariat, which we hope to build on during our presidency.
In the spring of 2023, we will focus on four main themes:
- Threats and violence against public servants
- A good administrative culture
- Work against corruption
- Governance of cross-sectoral issues.
We will address the themes in several ways, including a dedicated study, invited speakers and parallel workshops. As the strength of EUPAN lies in its role to facilitate exchange of practices, experiences and views in areas of common interest, we invite you to consider if there are experiences you would be willing to share on one or several of the themes. It is our strong conviction that the EUPAN is at its best when there are interactive discussions. We will therefore strive to organize meetings where we encourage sharing of experiences.
The Swedish presidency of EUPAN is jointly organized by the Swedish Agency for Public Management and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers. Two e-mail addresses will thus be used during the presidency: eupan@arbetsgivarverket.se and eupan@statskontoret.se.
Do not hesitate to contact any of us for additional information or queries.
We look forward to welcoming you to Sweden and to continue our fruitful cooperation in EUPAN.